Understanding Winning Presentations

Understanding Winning Presentations

Let’s immediately move beyond the basics and assume you are well versed with the importance of product knowledge and you understand the relevance of appearance, rapport, etc because we want to get to grind stone of what determines sales increases. Let’s get to fine tuning your presentation’s ability to win business and maintain consistency.

Firstly, the key to skill upgrading and consistency is your ability to identify elements that you can grade yourself on and identify the part of your presentation that hinders your performance. We have provided such a list of elements on the next page “7 presentation elements” Once you identify a weak spot you can work on it and once you have developed a presentation and you notice your sale begin to drop you can quickly reference this list, identify where you have dropped the ball and immediately get back on track. We need to understand that its human nature to lose consistency over time, so we need to keep in check. How often have you realised you stopped doing something that “use to work well”. When things are going great, it’s a good time to identify elements that are working. Once you understand the elements of a presentation, you can apply it to any product and hit the ground running.

What’s your product?

What’s your product? (when people trust the process, they trust you)

In the example of selling Real Estate If you are in a property listing presentation what would your product be? . Identify the point you are going to close on? For example, if it were A special campaign cost “VPA” I will tell you you’re trying to sell advertising and not property. If you’re closing on your sales record, brand or ability, I will tell you you’re trying to sell yourself and while sure it is important that’s not really the vendor’s main concern. So, what is, answer “Can they trust your process is going to achieve the right result, are they safe, also, do they still have control, that they are spending the right amount of money that the right buyers will be attracted to their property SO HENCE “it’s the process they buy when they give you the listing. In other words “its all about them” If you understand that this is the focus you can build the confidence in the presentation that you are the right business partner to help them and achieve their goals. So simple but often missed by the moderate performers.

Be A Partner

Are you a salesperson selling a product or a business partner helping them to make the best decisions?

If your default is that you are partnering your prospect toward an outcome you are instantly operating above the level of “just a salesperson” From the outset, the first phone call if your attitude is that you are a business partner your whole dialogue is different, you are leading them and helping them to navigate an area that you are an expert in. Think about what the people want? It’s not a friend, its someone who can help them navigate through the process. We are a service.

From the outset your able to design the relationship and who you are to them so establish partnership and as a business partner it’s easy to ask the hard stuff because as their business partner you need to know. If you show leadership, they will follow. If you come off as a salesperson, it takes too long to establish the level of trust and rapport to win the business off a competitor that establishes partnership. It’s just an attitude and the good news is you can turn it on anytime, it’s your professional persona.

that you are an expert in. Think about what the people want? It’s not a friend, its someone who can help them navigate through the process. We are a service.

From the outset your able to design the relationship and who you are to them so establish partnership and as a business partner it’s easy to ask the hard stuff because as their business partner you need to know. If you show leadership, they will follow. If you come off as a salesperson, it takes too long to establish the level of trust and rapport to win the business off a competitor that establishes partnership. It’s just an attitude and the good news is you can turn it on anytime, it’s your professional persona.


Present / Close Overview

Closing is easy when you understand it Do you want to experience less tension at the point of close, simple. Stop projecting it!!

The old way – Do a presentation when you’ve finished, ask a “yes or no” question and watch as they scramble for the good old “we will think about it” the sales persons “kiss of death” to what was otherwise an enjoyable presentation, so now you are left with “leave us your card/ brochure and well think about it and we will get back you like ….never!

let me ask you what did you expect. I mean you do realise people do not want to make spot decisions right ? So, stop asking them to make decisions.

Far more enjoyable and successful is when the close is not obvious, was seamless, no- one sees it coming and by the time they realize there was one, it was long over. This is because you established your working relationship from the outset, took them through a process as a business partner and not a sales person so at the end you were able to assume (based on their feedback throughout) that you could just assume they were following you into the obvious conclusion. Your default is “unless they object?, they are just going ahead rather than, lets now ask the difficult question sand as per usual they do not want to make a decision so “well think about it”

Now you have heard of assumptive closing, but do you really understand it, in its simplest terms, it made sense, you lead them in and they followed

This is the part we cannot wait to discuss with you, it’s the fun bit of developing a whole process that you can be confident in, like you cannot wait for your next selling process because you’ve become that good at it..

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