better service

Best practice for all success:

There are points to take note of before canvassing a stranger’s door. A good attitude which displays a positive and genuine demeanour is one of them. It is something that people will respond to and is a characteristic which underpins the entire process. Remember that the purpose of Direct canvassing is to establish and build relationships. People will see through fake personalities who are not interested in their well-being.

Do not treat these short interactions as just another house to tick off the list. People will take notice and there is a good chance that word will spread about the encounter. It might as well be something positive. Be focused, show competence and convey professionalism. This is a long-term strategy and not just a one-time affair to get a listing or a prospective buyer’s contact details.

Learn your stuff, show respect for people’s time. When you know what you are talking about, you bring value to the customer. Be prepared to deviate from your approach as no two circumstances are the same. Even when you don’t know the answer, assure the prospect that you will find out and get back to them. Keep your word if you want that person to become a concrete prospect in the future.

The goal of canvassing is to:

  • Meet the community

  • Understand the needs of the community

Studies vary on exactly how long it takes to make a good first impression, or a bad one for that matter. It generally ranges between one tenth of a second to 30 seconds. Regardless, there is a short timespan to make a positive impact. Within this limited period, get to the point, everyone is busy respect the time you are given. Focus on your prospect: Stop, look and listen

Armed with these three fundamentals, it is important to keep in mind that not every door is available to canvass. Consumer NZ has a “Do Not Knock” campaign in effect which could result in stiff fines for violators. Look out for such stickers before knocking on any door.